They have installed kings,
but not through me.
They have appointed leaders,
but without my approval.
They make their silver and gold
into idols for themselves
for their own destruction.
~ Hosea 8:4

Once again election year has rolled around and social media and legacy media and all kinds of other opinion and fact and misinformation founts are heating up. Politics is an extreme sport and can be very entertaining at times. Unfortunately, far too many take a “My team against your team” approach and they focus on the false dichotomy of “You MUST vote Democrat or Republican!” – forgetting that there ARE other alternatives. When one mentions such a possibility then people get defensive and INSIST that “any vote for another party is a vote for (fill in the name of the candidate they don’t like)”. In this manner the myth that one MUST vote Democrat or Republican is perpetuated, and the prophecy that a third party has no chance is fulfilled.

A look at Ballotpedia shows that as of today, August 17, 2024, there are seven candidates representing five parties and two independents as well. Yet the public continues to allow the media to foment the idea that there are only two candidates. The more I consider the possibilities, the more I’m amazed at how people focus on the the flaws of one of the two front runners, completely forgetting that the other is equally or even MORE flawed. It’s as if the public wears blinders and is incapable of reasoning for themselves or of sifting through the allegations and attacks and personalities to come to the conclusion that, in a nation of 340,000,000 or so people – there HAS to be a better option than that which someone is attempting to foist on a complacent population.

Now imagine the possibilities if the nation as a whole were to step back, take a breath and look at other options than the false dichotomy of “D” vs “R”. If through the prophet Hosea God made His abhorrence to the princes and kings chosen by His people known, a people governed mostly by hereditary hierarchies, imagine His opinion of the leaders chosen by a people that was founded on principles taught by His Son. How can a people that has “In God We Trust” emblazoned on their currency fall so low as to be forced to choose between two evils? To choose between two evils still means choosing evil. Isn’t it time that the nation repented and told those who have been manipulating public opinion to their own ends to “take a hike”? Isn’t it time the nation repented and sought a better solution than that offered to us by “our betters”?