Apparently the world has come around to another cycle of Olympic games. And this year it started off with a lot of commotion, judging from my inbox and social media feeds! I’ve seen more of it than I care to, but such is life in a connected world.

Apparently the opening ceremony included a scandalous depiction of – something. Reports vary between a blasphemous reproduction of the “The Last Supper” painting and “merely” a reincarnation of a Bacchanal ceremony – or maybe a combination of the two! Anyway, it was not something that the world was ready for, at least not the less radicalized world.

Yet I find myself unimpressed. Or rather, unsurprised. After all, the original games were staged to honor the Olympic “gods”. And anyone who was paying attention in class way back when knows that the Greek and Roman “gods” were anything but pure or holy – and those who worshipped them were merely worshipping exaggerated versions of themselves. Zeus could not pass by any kind of female, human or otherwise, without engendering offspring from it. Bacchus was the god of wine and according to some his “worship” involved unbridled lust and drunken revelry. And that’s just to start going down a list of the Roman and Greek “gods”.

So, why are Christians shocked that a celebration of games in honor of the ancient “gods” would involve the type of opening ceremony that was presented in Paris? Why are Christians participating, even just by watching, games that honor false gods? Why has sport become more important than faith in worship of the One Who made us all? Sports in themselves are not evil, but why participate in those dedicated to the ancient “gods” of societies that failed due to their propensity to imitate their supposed deities? There are plenty of sports one can participate in without fomenting the Olympic games and the evil that goes with them.

Immorality has become part and parcel of the Olympic games. This year continues the tradition with a reported 300,000 condoms being distributed to the athletes. Again, why would someone who claims to be a Christian participate in games oriented towards the values of the pagan gods?